<VV> Traitor in our midst - Board action requested
Delta Inc
Thu, 2 Sep 2004 16:27:41 -0500
I have been following this thread with some disbelief .... for one thing,
it belongs on VVairTalk, and then I really don't remember seeing so many
people at once sawing off the very limb they are sitting on ... ... right
out of a Stephen King bad dream ....
It does solve one problem, however ... what to do with Saddam Hussein ...
just bring him over, give him a bath, and make him Director in Charge of
Corvair Parts Sales. Midnight raids, missing spouses, referrals to IRS
audits ... sell a door lockerpull to a guy with a Rambler, and have your
drivers license yanked ....
Tell me, please ;;; this is a vast conspiracy just to aggravate ol'
Ken Campbell in the Cornfield.........