<VV> New Book About V8 Vairs
Rick & Janet Norris
Sun, 31 Oct 2004 10:59:36 -0500
Hey Guys,
Greg Riley, who is a Corvair enthusiast and in the publishing business is in
the process of doing a book about Ted Trevor and the V8 conversions he
inspired. This is going to happen SOON!
Greg needs material for the book from past and current owners and builders
about your experiences with a V8 Vair.
It can be short or long winded (I sent mine in) or maybe just your first wide
eyed ride in one.
Send to Greg Riley at gsrgbc@earthlink.net .
Rick Norris
First President CORSA 1971
Email rickjanet@charter.net
Web Site http://webpages.charter.net/corvairalley
V8 Vairs Web Site http://www.corvair.org/chapters/v8vairs