<VV> Traction control
sam pam and fam
Fri, 29 Oct 2004 19:58:17 -0700
I just added a 63 Monza to my Corvairs and this will be my daily driver. It is
the first Corvair that I have ever drove. ( my 63 convert was non running when
I started to restore it. ) I live in a wet winter climate and have been told
to put a 100 lb. bag of sand in my trunk to help with handling on the wet
roads. Does this work or not ? Is there something better ? any input would be
63 Monza Coupe - Driver
63 Monza Convert, auto ( 1st project )
63 Monza Sedan parts car.
3-1960 parts cars
62 Monza Coupe parts car
63 Corvan Parts car
and counting.