<VV> Re: New '69 Camaro body / old VIN? no Corvair
Geoffrey A. Johnson
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 14:27:39 -0600
The hotrod article says that the company producing them - CARS inc. is
getting licensed as a vehicle manufacturer so that they can assign real new
legal vins to each body.
--On Monday, October 11, 2004 1:21 PM -0700 Mike Stillwell
<yenko117@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Question for the guru's...I was going through
> YearOne's site, looking for a couple things, and
> happened upon the Camaro body parts page. In drooling
> over all you can get for those cars, I noticed the new
> '69 Camaro vert bodies that will soon be offered,
> retail $11,999.
> They are from the firewall back, so you'd have to
> weld on your old front subframe. My question is how
> would you title the thing, when you have to do the big
> no-no and move VINs from the donor lower W/S panel to
> the repro unibody? Anyone know what the official
> answer is? Could be a don't ask, don't tell? I know we
> all discussed this before and in most states, you
> really can't do it. Just curious if anyone knows how
> Year One might suggest you deal with the problem,
> since they are encouraging it!
> Thanks - Mike
> YS-117
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