<VV> How to tell if a CORSA is a TURBO Car ?

Tony Underwood tonyu@roava.net
Thu, 07 Oct 2004 16:42:48 -0700

At 07:23 hours 10/07/2004 +0000, vairpair@att.net wrote:
>-------------- Original message from Mike Stillwell : -------------- 
>> John, 
>> There will be an option code of "O" on the trim tag, 
>> > Mike, what you said is true but.......I had a talk with Larry C. a
while back and he said that GM did not monitor those tags that well, and no
one has definitive proof that the "O" is the only proof of a turbo. My
reason for calling him, is I have a 66 that has the cutout and the "T"
fitting in the return line, yet it had a 140 in it when I got it.  

This could well mean that the original engine could have been changed.   

>The engine codes don't match the body [date ] so...........  

Does the 140 engine currently in the car have a code of RB stamped on the

>Has anyone found documentation to prove or disprove?   My cutout appears
to be factory, yet there was no hole or buzzer on the floor.  

"Hole or buzzer on the floor"...?    You lost me here.   What hole or
buzzer on the floor was there for the turbocharged Corsas?   The overheat
buzzer was behind the dash and was in all Corvairs with a turbocharged
engine, as well as all Corsas regardless of the engine.    And what hole on
the floor do you mean?     

If there's no  buzzer evident, or you're not sure it's still there, try
grounding the engine head temp sending unit snap switch wire on the right
side cylinder head (with the ignition switch ON), and listen to see if the
buzzer sounds.   
