<VV> dragging yokes and buns (humor?)
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 03:03:37 -0500
Hey SmartyMan, You must have been trapped in the "Riveria"
list if you have been eating all those stale yokes and buns !!! <GGG>
Maybe you should join a bunnery and get some saintly advice on
your diet............EH ?? EH??? what's that you say??? <GGG>
OH, never mind...........
Emily LaTella
At 10:06 PM 11/24/04 -0500, you wrote:
>At least there's been some relevant and useful information and opinions
>cited. It's a nice change from the stale jokes and puns. Oops, now I've
>jinxed it>
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman