Subject: <VV> Brake bleeding terminology questions
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 23:03:29 EST

In a message dated 11/23/2004 6:18:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Howdy Joel, Patiomatt and all  - OK, I'll bite.  I am no mechanical whiz,
> but I am learning, so please help me out: 
*******'ve had the explanation of "Bench Bleeding"...the KEY  being the lines 
went into the FLUID in the reservoir! AIR  can get back in once it's 
pushed out!

YES    preadjusting is as you describe....but always unadjust the E brake! [ 
it's lever will prevent the rear shoe from resting on the top pin!

1  AIR  RISES!  only!
2  Fluid runs DOWNhill  only
3  The reservoir is ABOVE  the piston[s]
4   Our MC's are ABOVE the wheel cylinders and all the lines....if the car is 
5   There should be a "residual valve" in each port out of the MC [ I believe 
some may not have them / which is OK  with DRUM  brakes ]. If not....when the 
piston[s] retract they will SUCK  fluid/air backwards....still not a problem 
if you are bleeding the correct way......

To bleed manually, with no special tools....whether the MC  has been 
benchbled or takes 2 people! [  until you learn more tricks ]

1   FILL  reservoir
2   Go to RR   wheel  & open it's bleeder 1/2 turn  ONLY
3   Have helper  push on brake pedal with HAND..slowly..1 stroke...and HOLD   
4   Close bleeder matter what!   
5   Tell helper to let pedal UP
6    Repeat  this as many times as it takes to get fluid ONLY  to come 
out....always checking every 3-5 strokes to make sure reservoir is FULL.
7    when RR  is done...go to LR, then RF, then LF

DO NOT  worry..check  or anything until all 4 gently flow fluid each time.

If the shoes are all close / rubbing the'll have brakes....

You said you had fluid so your pedal rod must surely be correct [ to let 
piston back far enough to uncover both holes in bottom of reservoir..which allows 
fluid to refill cavities.

Hope this helps..


Matt Mall / Patiomatt / WCUH / Chairman V V
69 Monza Cpe., 66 Monza vert, 65 Crown v8 Cpe.
Somewhere between Reno, Nv.  and Coos Bay, Or.