<VV> Brake bleeding
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 01:35:02 EST
Lloyd, did you bench bleed the master cylinder before installation? You
could have air trapped in there. It's difficult to get all the air out even when
properly tipped in a vise. Also, are you using DOT 5 fluid? DOT 5 traps air
more easily than DOT 3 or 4.
Craig Nicol
<snip>Here is one for the brake experts.I installed a dual master brake
cylinder on my 1966 monza and for the life of me can't get it to bleed properly.All
the lines are new as are the wheel cylinders.I get fluid to come out of the
bleeder ports and a little bit of air but the pedal will still bottom out.I
even messed with the adjusting rod on the brake pedal to no avail. Lloyd <unsnip>