<VV> Re: She's Alive!...NOT Recap ELECTRIFIED
Frog Princezz
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 08:44:41 -0800 (PST)
Now why you wanna go and start the electric verses non-electric fuel pump debate?
I've read the good - I've read the bad - I've them both and there I have the facts of pumps- the facts of pumps. Sorry 80's sitcom theme song moment. And frankly, I'm confused even more as to which is good, better, best. Yeah I've thought about going electric because I like the sounds of an anti-theft device built right in, at least until I get my monkey. http://tmaweb.techma.com/rossoz/antitheftdevice.wmv
But that whole if you're ever in a wreck and it's not shut off thing makes one scratch the head.