<VV> manual fuel pump charging
Tony Underwood
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 18:23:01 -0800
At 03:03 hours 11/08/2004 -0800, corvairs wrote:
>There's nothing a Corvair Vendor (Who has to pay for warrantees out of
>pocket on "defective" fuel pumps) loves to hear more than the suggestion
>that you manually run a pump up and down (with no limitation on pushrod
>travel). Lon
My logic is that the person in question is not large enough to be muscling
the pump to destruction. In my times, I must have manually charged
dozens of fuel pumps this way and not once did I ever damage the first one.
For that matter, just about everybody I ever knew who wrenched Vairs did
the same thing at one time or another.
Like everything else involving manually operating such things, common sense
and logic will dictate that you don't behave as if you're trying to stuff a
killer alien zenomorph down an airlock.
...and wasn't this pump old already...? If all else has failed, there's
not much else to lose in finding out whether or not the existing pump is
capable of working by manually charging it. And, there remains the fact
that these pumps (the good ones any, not the "bogus" versions which
suffered those rapid failure rates) are pretty tough nuts to crack, and
likely would survive some rather harsh considerable pumping before any real
damage would result from manually charging them unless the individual doing
the pumping was out for blood and flailing on the pump with a vengeance.
If the pump she has is indeed bad, then the new pump you sell her won't
require manual charging and will pump fuel correctly all by itself. No
manual pumping would be necessary.