<VV> Blower bearing lube

Songs by Steve Songsbysteve@tampabay.rr.com
Sat, 6 Nov 2004 10:52:30 -0500

I'm very interested in knowing how to lube the blower bearing.  Does the
bearing need to be pulled off the shaft for this process?  Since mention of
a grease gun was mentioned, does a grease fitting need to be installed?

On a related subject. has anyone tried to grease their EM rear wheel
bearings, using the method described in Fitch's (How to Keep your Corvair
Alive)?  This is where he describes drilling and tapping a small hole in the
bearing casing, then filling the cavity with grease with a needle
attachment, and finally sealing the hole with a sheet metal screw.

Any thoughts??

Stevie G

St Pete FL

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