<VV> Re: the new Corvair
Wed, 3 Nov 2004 20:27:53 EST
I think that I might have tried the trade-in route or at least tred to sell
them my car, since they were so proud of theirs.... :-)
The Carbmeister
< and as I'm driving in a slight rain in my 66 4 door monza (at that time a
270,000 mile Condition 2 car) I catch sight of a LM red 2-door on the corner of
one of these
dealerships .... I go inside and <me being me> say, "Hey, anyone wanta talk
to me about this car out here?" A salesman comes up and asks, "Which one?"
"The Corvair...How much are you asking for it" (and me thinking $800-1200).
He asks the sales manager...the SMGR says loudly, "$6,000" I literally turned
around and left, laughing loudly>>.