<VV> Re: The Peck Order and Sammy Salmon (humor?)

Charles B. Peck cpeck@salmoninternet.com
Tue, 02 Nov 2004 16:41:20 -0700

Louis -

The things that I was upset with Robert (Body shop owner) about was that 
after having the car for almost 2 months, he was finally trying to 
figure out the color to order (he was using paint chips), and this after 
I had prepaid for the paint when I delivered the car. (This was, after 
he had done a LOT of body work and was priming the car.)

This car is one I bought in 1969 or 1970, and this is the second time I 
am having it painted. The first time things went much faster!

I have been a member of Corsa for several years, but there is no local 
Corvair Club (although when I showed my 65 CORSA Convertible at the 
Salmon Father's Day Car Show, I met one local person who is working on 
restoring an Early Model Corvair), and the local car club is mainly into 
racing and TRUCKS (trucks are BIG in Salmon). I started lurking on 
Virtual Vairs after the Father's Day Car Show, and found it VERY helpful.

Chuck Peck

> Hey Chuck, You and your body shop owner seem to be on the same
> wave length now but neither of you communicated very well. If he had
> the car for two months, why did you wait two months to find a paint code?
> If he had two months to ask you for a paint code, why did he wait for two
> months to follow up??? <GGG>  My wife was an elementary school teacher
> for 32 years and for many of those years a simple sign sat prominently on her
> desk for all her pupils to observe:
>   " Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine "
> Yes, you and your painter were saved by a group who pride themselves on being
> helpful and knowledgeable........................but.......... I would 
> think that your Corvair
> may suffer if both of you don't pay a little more attention to detail and 
> communication.
> Please tell me you have joined CORSA and any local Corvair club or a 
> general collector
> car club.