<VV> RE: encroaching zoning
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 10:15:01 -0500
Hank, I wish you the best of luck with this, several years ago when I
lived in the town of Newstead there was a similar proposal to ban all
unlicensed vehicles unless they were stored inside. We took the proposal
apart line by line and analyzed it. Came up with several contradictions and
false statements.
At one point their resoning cited an unlicensed vehicle to pose a fire
hazard. We asked them to give statistics on how many vehicles they have
records of which have spontaneously cumbusted due to lack of license
plates. Then we posed the question to members of the fire department that,
if the vehicle was going to burst into flames due to not having license
plates, Is it really a good idea to store it indoors. First time a town
meeting had a packed house, with only two people "for" the proposal, the
rest against. Meeting ran overtime, caught the town lawyer in a couple of
lies, and generally embarassed them for their ill thought out local law.
All said and done, instead of making it a local law, they unceremoneously
snuck it into the zoning laws, and started enforcement.
You have to look into the underlying factors. It is not what the majority
wants, it is what a few property speculators want. How manytown board
members will realize a significant profit if property values go up........
That's what it is all about.
Gary Swiatowy
Moved to a different town...............
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