<VV> RE: Spare fan belt for an A/C car
Bill Elliott
Bill Elliott" <Corvair@fnader.com
Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:33:21 -0500
Bill isn't proposing that you use that belt forever... just as a quick fix to get you off the side of the
highway faster.
Coming back from the Rockville car show a couple weekends ago (great showing by Group Corvair!) my
Tatra shredded a fan belt. This is about an hour's repair by the side of the road... but the previous owner
had been aware of this possbility and has in the "parts stash" a couple of belts just long enough to be
forced on the pulleys without disassembly.
They are so loose that they will not turn the fan as quickly as it should be turned under high pressure
loads... and they bounce off the shrouds to the point they would destroy themselves in a few hundred
miles... but they made the roadside repair 5 minutes and safely (with the engine running only slightly
warmer than normal) got me the 25 miles home to the safety of my garage where I can do the proper
repair safely and in my own time.
I think this is the gist of Bill's idea...
Bill Elliott
Urbana, MD
>What keeps the fan belt from retaining the shape that it has been put into
>for storage on the motor? I just wonder if it would not "flip" because of
>the twisted storage. Won't heat from the engine cause the rubber to decay
>and harden?
>Keith Hammett
>-----Original Message-----
>Well, you DO have to remove the A/C belt to install the spare belt. The
>whole point of this procedure is to get that extra work out of the way at a
>convenient time - in the comfort of your driveway, as opposed to alongside
>a busy highway.
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