<VV> Nader Mask
Mon, 1 Nov 2004 16:31:41 EST
In a message dated 11/1/2004 1:22:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,
starship@worldonline.co.za writes:
You could try
You won't necessarily find Nader masks listed on the sites given above, but
word has it that both of these suppliers have had them.
Thanks emailed them
Tim Abney
Proud Member of
United Steelworkers of America, Local 7600
Life Member McHenry County Illinois VietNow
Member American Legion Post #777 - San Bernardino, CA
Member Society of the First Infantry Division (Big Red One)
KLIK - Lai Khe, RVN - 1967-68
Corsa Member
I.E.C.C. President
1965 Corvair Monza Coupe - Valley Vairs Cover Car January 2003 - 2nd Edition
1964 Corvair Monza 4 Door - Back burner project
1961 Corvair Lakewood Wagon - Starting restoration
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