<VV> Matching engine numbers
Sun, 30 May 2004 09:27:09 EDT
I've followed this thread with a heavy heart. I sure hope the "matching
number" thing never catches on with Corvair people. I'm also a member of NCRS
(Corvette restorers) club and let me tell you, matching numbers is a nice
amusement but it will come back to bite with a vengance. Corvette people are so anal
about numbers that it takes all the fun out and IMHO just about kill the joy
of owning one of those cars. Dated heads, "correct" fuses and correct
turn-signal flashers, dated mirror glass and windows, dull door jambs (point deduction
if otherwise), deductions for reproduction parts, "correct" overspray, dated
plug wires; IT'S INSANE. Please hope that this never catches on beyond the
amusement and research stage for the Corvair hobby. If you think Early/Late
gets a little stale as a topic of discussion, it pales in comparison to "dated
and correct", which is roughly 10,000 times more unpleasant. Let's keep our
heads up on this one.
Craig Nicol
65,66,67 Corvairs, 140/4, 2 EFI
65 Corvette 327 FI