wagonwheels, was: <VV> Tired of tires? HUMOR
Bruce Schug
Tue, 25 May 2004 18:16:20 -0400
Please label such posts as "HUMOR"
On May 25, 2004, at 5:45 PM, airvair wrote:
> Oh heavens! Unless you are autocrossing, why would anyone want wheels
> larger than 15 inches? You can't get a section larger than 65, and even
> they are not as common as lesser sizes. Also, as the rim size goes up,
> so does the price. Then there's the log-wagon ride. My Cav has 16's
> with
> 55 section tires, and you can feel every tar strip in the road. When
> they wear out, it's getting 65's at the minimum! I call them
> wagonwheels, as in Conastoga. A rediculous fad if there ever was one.
> Just my opinion, and I'll no doubt get flamed to charcoal over it. But
> it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
> -Mark
Bruce W, Schug
CORSA South Carolina
Greenville, SC
CORSA member since 1981
'67 Monza. "67AC140"