<VV> Re: Long term storage advice - 2nd request????
Tue, 25 May 2004 16:12:32 +0000
Oh, misinformed Chairman!!!
> From: UltraMonzaWest@aol.com
> Date: 2004/05/25 Tue PM 03:29:01 GMT
> To: virtualvairs@corvair.org
> Subject: <VV> Re: Long term storage advice - 2nd request????
> kaczmarek@charter.net writes:
> I know this hasn't been mentioned in a while, and now that I am off the talk
> list I just can't help this....
> Isn't there information on storing your car for the winter in the Corvair
> Basics Manual???
> Hank
> ****************************************************************
> Hank, can you explain further?
> 1 what does V V - Talk have to do with this???
A: BITE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Ah, I only have one place to stir the pot now, so I will stir carefully here
> 2 You mean YOU do NOT have a copy? Maybe if you did it would take so
> long to do things!!!
Maybe I need a copy at work---you know, where the bottom feeders and blue collar folks spend 40-70 hours a week.
Perhaps you would like to buy me another copy to keep here???
BTW, as Co-Founder of the book Project, I got my copy before anyone else did.
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