<VV> Re: Removing Lower Shrouds/oil temps
Tue, 25 May 2004 07:38:06 EDT
In a message dated 5/24/2004 7:30:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,
vairologist@juno.com writes:
Smitty says: This is a myth to me and will remain so until someone
shows me some facts.
Over the years there have been controlled tests and there have been semi
controlled tests done comparing oil temps between dino oil and synthetic.
I remember one specifically done with a motorcycle. I am pretty sure this
was done by Rider magazine. They used the same motorcycle and the same route
with as close to the same conditions as possible and the same rider. Now this
was not a specific oil brand test but rather an oil cooler test.
It all boiled down to, the oil coolers worked to a degree, and the
synthetic oil worked to a degree, but the biggest temp change came from no oil
cooler and running 10W-40 oil instead of 20W-50. I forget the amount of change but
it was significant, as much of a change as running with an oil cooler.
So, the point is that synthetic oil will reduce oil temps but you will
get a bigger drop in oil temps by going to a lighter weight oil.
On another point you cannot judge anything by only 1 paremeter, you need
to look at the big picture.
Ken Hand