<VV> RE: '61 brakes pulling

kovacsmj kovacsmj@sbcglobal.net
Sat, 22 May 2004 14:11:49 -0400


 Two similar problems.

*	My 69 Fitch started doing that. I found the front tires were
toed OUT < not IN <. Depending on the crown of the road, it would pull
either right or left. A proper alignment fixed it.
*	My 87 Dodge Van (the one that went BANG!) a couple of years ago
at your place! The symptoms were a pull to the right upon brake
application and then a pull to the left upon brake release. The problem
was a pinched left brake hose, ( pinched due to rust build up in the
bracket just before the brake cylinder). This acted as a check valve
restricting pressure to the left first, then upon releasing the brake,
trapping the fluid in the left brake caliper for a moment. Pull right
then left. I found this when I tried to bleed the left brake caliper and
NO fluid would come out unless I stood on the pedal!  The fluid passage
in the left hose almost did not exist. Two new brake hoses fixed it.

Getting all the information is most of the solution.