Subject: Supply, was: 4doors, was: <VV> 1961 Corvair
Fri, 21 May 2004 23:12:29 -0400
I know I am going to regret saying this but I am parting out a 68 Monza
Coupe to save my 66 Monza 4 door. 4 Doors Rule!
Ways the 4door is better than a coupe:
- far better looking. There is NO wrong angle, while a coupe looks
"slightly pregnant" from the 3/4 angle. Ugly, ugly, ugly.
- easier rear seat access. This helps whether loading passengers, or
packages (onto a folded-down seat).
- easier entrance/exit because of more doors AND shorter doors. Just try
it in a crowded parking lot.
- better rear seat comfort. No knees-under-your-chin and
head-against-the-backlite like a coupe suffers from.
I could go on, but coupe lovers don't have a leg to stand on. (G)
-Mark (I part out coupes to save 4doors!)