<VV> Re: Loud knocking
Fri, 21 May 2004 20:08:45 EDT
Hey everyone,
Well, I replaced the blower, and idler bearings on the '61, and started
her up today. As soon as I got it started I heard a loud knocking. The noise
seems to be coming from the right side of the block, occurs whether or not the
belt is on, and increases with engine speed. My crank pulley does not have any
play, and it did not do this when last operated. I have not driven it in about
3 to 4 weeks. After last months club meeting I started tossing my belt every
couple of miles. At one point the engine temp light came on for a couple of
seconds. I let the engine cool before continuing. I ended up having to be towed
home. I checked the oil, and it is full, and clean. The engine was in neutral
by the way. I though the noise sounded like a really loud lifter, although it
did not seem to be rapid enough to be that. I tried putting my hand over each
carb as well. The left almost caused the engine to stall, but it ran with my
hand over the right carb. The idle, other than the noise was good, so it almost
didn't seem like a vacuum leak. That test almost leads me to believe it is a
valvetrain problem. Maybe a bent pushrod, a blown lifter, or worse yet a bent
valve, or dropped valve seat. I do not have immediate access to a compression
tester, or other diagnostic tools. hopefully over the weekend. I am wondering
if anyone can help me, I know I can't describe the noise over the computer,
but if any one cares to venture a guess. By the way, I had the topcover off a
couple days ago, and saw no obvious problem, although I must admit I did not do
a thorough inspection. I can''t believe my luck with this thing to date, it's
been nothing but trouble interspersed with some good fun. What can you do? I
just hope I don't have to sell it. It's getting harder to convince my wife, and
myself for that matter that this isn't a lost cause. Well, that's it in a
nutshell. Hopefully you guys can help shed some light on the subject. Thanks in
advance. - Kevin McClain