<VV> Re: Quick Steering?
Thu, 20 May 2004 12:20:25 -0400
> From: BEllison@bbafiberweb.com
> To: virtualvairs@skiblack.com
> Subject: RE: <VV> Steering box
> > We just picked up a green Corsa 140 Coupe. It's just shy of
> > 4 turns lock to lock. Is it quick steering? Is there a way
> > to tell, id tag, markings, etc?
Smitty Says: What you have there is a steering box from a riding
lawnmower. Probably a Murray. Since Spike has some Briggs and Stratton
parts I think you should send it to me so I can complete the package.
Please ship airmail. I hope the postage isn't much. I wouldn't want to
put you out any.