<VV> 20 year hibernation = 600 miles
Tue, 18 May 2004 17:49:52 -0400
I returned home Sunday from a fine car show in New Hampshire on
Saturday. Almost 50 Vairs, mostly fine examples including senior
division sample. On the way home with the '66 4 dr, 140 pg, it seemed to
loose some power climbing the hills. 100 miles from home, a definite
misfire and down to 5 cylinders, two running on right side. Three on
left. No noise, no visible smoke, both new exhausts are black. I dropped
down to 55 on the interstate and limped home.
I pulled the plugs this afternoon to do the first diagnosis. The new
R44F #5 is completely oil fouled after about 600 miles. (Did I mention
the engine was using about 1 qt every 150 miles???). The 5 other plugs
are clean and light grey. The ignition is a Dale rebuilt core with a
Petronics 2 ignition and a 40K volt coil.
I did not do the compression or leak down check yet. My first instinct
is if the checks do not show a major problem, will be to put a hotter
plug in #5 and try to go 700 miles with it while I contemplate the next
move. Any suggestions for a hotter plug, maybe a R46F?
I will assume a bad valve guide or two combined with worn (103,000
miles) #5 cylinder. Rebuilding an other 140 engine is in the future
while I putter with this problem.
I would like some advise on the leak dow cceck I assume TDC for the
test. I have the compressor, cylinder adapeter and can adape a gage.
What pressure is used. How much leak down is acceprable.
Getting all the information is most of the solution.