<VV> Re: VirtualVairs digest, Vol 1 #416 - 13 msgs
Steven Serenska
Sun, 16 May 2004 19:11:31 -0400
>If anyone needs some extra gas money after the 19th, please drop me a note as
>I am buying some late model carb cores (and all YH cores). I will pay a
>little over the going price and postage on lots of 6 or more. Thanks, and happy
Your timing is pretty good. I just started to do a serious housecleaning in preparation for a move and came across the carb cores I had left over after I bought the rebuilt ones from you two years ago.
I have two complete primaries and two secondaries from a '66 Corsa. What is the going rate? I'm not looking to turn a profit, I just want to get whatever price you and I discussed at the time. I don't have my emails here on my home machine or I'd look up what our discussion was.
Please let me know. If you can't use them, I'll probably just put them up on eBay.
Steven J. Serenska