<VV> Re: Re: Slow Starter / Learner (Humor?)
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Mon, 10 May 2004 21:29:10 -0400
>We interupt normal posting with this NEWS FLASH...........................
>Smitty says: Bob I'm going to file that comment right alongside the
>toilet paper in the bathroom with the one that says all Corvairs throw
>fan belts.
little snippero
> I might comment also that the replacement starters were
>all ULTRA parts.
>Ahhh HA, The resident Curmudgeon of BoHunk Brothers Racing Team
FINALLY admits that they use DeckRug Enterprises Quality Previously
Lightly Used "ULTRA" parts !!! "FRIENDS" this is a unsolicited testamoaing
By SPIKES owner and you heard it first right here on VV !!!
Deckug Enterprises
Racing Team Division
WTBRT #112 Racing Team
Eastern Rep.
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman