<VV> Re: weired problem #?/Starter Slow
Mon, 10 May 2004 14:32:33 EDT
Kevmcclain@aol.com writes:
I'm a long time small block Chevy guy, and
It sounds like a common problem, the Chevy starter has the solenoid mounted
on the starter motor. When the solenoid heats up it tends not to work well,
sometimes at all. I would definitely recommend wrapping the starter with a
heat shield. I have seen some guys switch to a ford starter wit a remote
solenoid to fix this, although that is sacrilegious, and punishable by death
many circles it does work. -Kevin
Interesting .....many SBC's with never a problem...only seen GM installed
heat shields on SBC's in things like 70's Monzas with 350's...
Big blocks..yes... and after installing headers....especially block huggers..
Ford Starters?? never seen that.......Ford Firewall mounted solinoids,
cabled to the GM starter motor tab..still used the stock solinoid to "pull in" the
drive...that I've seen...
Myself....I cannot see how a Vair starter can get hot enough, unless idling
in traffic on a super hot day...like waiting in line for 4 hrs. at the Tiajuana
border crossing in August!