<VV> Locked engine

Dennis & Debbie Pleau ddpleau@earthlink.net
Sun, 09 May 2004 20:23:42 -0500

I used the Deck Rug special Ultra method listed below.  I put the car in 
4th and started rocking it, on the second time backwards, it just kept 
rolling.  I may never know what locked it up, but I'm guessing the 
starter.  It's still not running, I had to take off the top shroud to get 
to the spark plug hole which I stripped out while pulling the 
plugs.  That's fixed and the shroud is back on, but I still have to mount 
the carbs etc.  I got to help the kids cook dinner now.

Thanks for the suggestions of which I think everyone from the VV's was the 


At 12:31 AM 4/30/2004, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Dennis & Debbie Pleau
> > I pulled the plugs out and I still can't turn the engine over with a 12"
> > wrench.  I'm at total loss on why.  I drove the car home 3 weeks ago
>With plugs out...put it in gear and rock and roll!
>I've seen it..but only after years....
>good luck!  Matt