<VV> Corvair wiring diagrams
Jim Simpson
Sun, 09 May 2004 18:09:33 -0400
The hardest part of reading the wiring diagrams is following a wire through
one of the connectors. The connector diagrams do match up with the
physical connectors, but that doesn't help reading the schematics very
much. The best way is to follow the color codes on the diagrams --
Chevrolet was consistent on this; if a 14 gage purple wire went into a
connector, a 14 gage purple wire came out the other side.
You may want to make a copy of the diagrams from the shop manual, trim and
tape them together, the use some colored pencils to mark the wires you are
interested in. Also it may help if you used a transparent ruler to help
sight along the wires -- when there are several in parallel, it's easy to
confuse them.
Jim Simpson, Group Corvair