<VV> Exhaust Manirold studs (humor?)
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Mon, 03 May 2004 00:50:05 -0400
Drive by "Hooters"!!!<GGG>
da Chuckster
Chuck Armer
At 10:02 PM 5/2/04 -0400, you wrote:
>I need suggestions on how to successfully remove the studs from the exhaust
>manifolds. I've tried heating the manifold at the stud base area with a
>propane torch and twisting the out, but it only broke the stud. Before that
>I soaked them good for a couple of days with PBlaster, but that didn't work
>and was the reason for trying heat.
>After the stud broke off, I drilled it and borrowed an easy out from my
>neighbor, which promptly broke off. Funny thing was, it was easier to drill
>out the easy out than the stud.
>Russ Moorhouse
>'65 Corsa coupe 140 HP
>Group Corvair Member
>Kent Island, MD
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman