<VV> Re: Casting Asparagus at Earlies

Rick & Janet Norris rickjanet@charter.net
Sun, 2 May 2004 20:04:43 -0400

>> Here's a few good tips:
> None of us are able to make Stevie Wonder see.
> None of us would have been able to make Beethoven hear again.
> None of us are able to end the EM vs LM debate on VV, the more you try,
> more our resident humorists decide to "send in the clowns".
> Don't eat the yellow snow---not related, but a good tip as well. <GG>
> Hank

Dang! Ya left out the best tip I ever had. Never pet a flaming dog!

The Lone Haranguer (One of the resident W A's}