<VV> Clarification of e-mail & Tupelo Car Museum
Robert Hill
Sun, 28 Mar 2004 23:06:54 -0600
Obviously I do not read my e-mail very often or I would have caught this
A list member (Bobby Owen - vintagestangs@cs.com) sent an e-mail earlier this
month concerning me and my business. This information he provided wasn't
totally accurate so I would like to clarify something about what he said.
He mentioned me winning "Dealer of the Year". I did NOT win that honor.
Dealerships win honors - not individuals and since the majority of my
involvement is putting up the $$ to purchase the business as a silent
"partner" (I own 90%), I simply do not have the time to devote to the business
otherwise as it is not my primary occupation. So I can take no real credit
for the award he mentioned.
So, thanks to all who sent e-mails regarding this, but the information he
provided was a litter off and I wanted to clarify his e-mail. And as far as
winning a new truck - someone may have won it but it wasn't us!!
On a Corvair related note, I am on a 3 week motorcycle ride/vacation to get
some R&R. I was in Tupelo, MS yesterday and went to the Tupelo Auto Museum.
Super nice museum!! They had a 64 Monza convertible and was very
complementary of the Corvair. If you are ever in the area, you should spend
some time at the museum.