<VV> Flywheel resurfacing
Sun, 28 Mar 2004 13:20:40 +0000
I have gotten a few messages about my question and I though I should clarify what I am up to. I just puchased and began driving a cheap beater 62 (Thanks again Tim). This is more than likely a temporary car until I get my Monza back on the So. Cal freeways with the turbo in my garage.
Anyway, the clutch slips when warm and chatters when cold. And the cost of a Dale flywheel and clutch set would be literally more than I have in the vehicle.
Also, this is an 80 hp w a 3 spd. so I am not worried about the abuse factor as much as I will be with the turbo. I know the rivets give after time and do have some minor concerns about that. It really comes down to the that I am not sure about this car's future. Hillbilly doghouse or will I try to put it back into near stock shape.So I don't wish to wrap too much into this one yet.
Sherman Gossett
'62 Monza (waiting for a new engine)
'62 700 4 dr. (driving to its doom?)