<VV> Re: decision time again(ENGINE COMBOS)
Sun, 28 Mar 2004 01:05:41 EST
i need input on drivability differences if noticeable between a smog 110
hp(domed pistons and correct heads) verses regular 65 110hp.pistons and
heads(or 140 heads with 2 carbs) this would be with a powerglide trans. my
only real
holdback is that if i do smog pistons i wont be able to switch to 140 heads
in the future. i have both types of cylinders and pistons ready to re-ring
install on a block with 29k on it. it will be used in a fc.(already put the
fill hole in the block). any huge negatives?? anyone drive both and note a
big difference? regards tim colson
I believe I've driven 2 similar cars with the engine combos...gearing and all
The smog [ 8.5 cr] is not as snappy....adequate..but noticable.....even
after I've re-curved the distributor..and using 14 btdc for initial...32 at
2500..38 total with VA pulled in[ starts at 12 in hg....which greatly improved
acceleration and top speed...