<VV> Alternator problem (long)
Wed, 24 Mar 2004 22:54:17 -0500
It was nice getting a "thumbs up" today, while driving my 65 Phantom Grey
Corsa. I've driven it 3 days now, and today was the first day I actually
saw some cars older than 65 - couple of street rod trucks - no idea what
they were.
I have an overcharging problem I think, please verify, and offer recipe for
corrective surgery.
I got a hi-output alternator, w/internal regulator, and rewired my engine
compartment for it. (cut leads to old alternator, and rewire to alternator.
Jump two inner, and two outer at old voltage reg) Once I replaced the
voltage regulator from FLAPS, I drove it a couple of days, w/no problems.
Well, I shouldn't say no problems. Occasionally, it didn't want to turn
over, acting like a dead battery.
When I tried to leave work today, battery was dead as a doornail. Looked in
engine compartment, one battery cap was off, and tell-tell (or tale-tale, or
maybe tail-tail?) signs of battery acid sprayed over my nicely powdercoated
engine shroud - grrrrr. Battery looked a little low. I pushed her off
successfully. About 15 mins later, the generator light came on. I pulled
over, and the belt was still on. Afraid to shut it off, I drove the 20 mins
on home, slowly. At home, the battery was hissing, and the alternator was
too hot to touch.
Removed the belt, and the alternator turns freely.
Battery level was just up to the top of the plates. Topped it off with
distilled, about 6 oz in each.
Pulled neg, battery shows 14 volts.
Put neg back on, cranked engine, removed neg, engine continued running, but
gen light was on, even after I put neg back on battery. Revved it up, but
gen light stayed glowing brightly, so it's not just rpms.
Hummm, now I'm quite puzzled.
All I have is a voltmeter.
I don't get much from the shop manual.
And all I know to do is take it back to FLAPS, have it checked out again,
and replace the $12 part, that's under warranty. However, why bother, if
something is wrong.
Offer any help, to an Indian Electrician ? (two wire wire-em-up, three wire
mess-em-up - apologizes to the American Indians if any offended - just a
phrase I was taught as a child)
Barry Ellison
Leaving Thursday night for Florida, regardless.
Engine's too new to push it hard anyhow.
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