<VV> Re: Pinion Preload
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 23:34:27 -0500
Bob Helt Wrote
> I suggest that you read the preload procedure in the SM. There you
> will see a separate preload specified for just the pinion shaft without
> drag of the side bearings.
Smitty says: Just exactly as Bob says. Pinion preload is measured
without the drag of the carrier bearings. The key word there is DRAG.
It doesn't say without turning the ring and carrier. It doesn't say with
them removed. It says without the drag of the carrier (side bearings).
In other words the side bearings are backed off to the barest of contact
and backlash is loose so there is no turning resistance there when you
are rotating the pinion. The pinion then should be preloaded to 8 in lbs
or so. Then when the side gears are preloaded, that resistance to
turning is added on to the pinion resistance (preload). The total of the
two is then 12-14 in lbs. (these numbers are from memory. Use the
book). After the total preload is set then the side gears are moved,
in-on-one-side and out-on-the-other-side AN EQUAL AMOUNT to mesh the
gears for proper backlash. If the side bearings are moved equally then
the total preload never changes.