<VV> Bad smell
Henry Kaczmarek
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 21:31:29 -0500
interesting observation!
As we all know, gasoline in 2004 does not at all resemble gasoline of 1964,
except for its most basic molecular configuration. Additives abound.
Detergents, anti knock additives, anti-smog additives, etc.
At one time there were a couple petrochemical engineers on the list, and I
would surely bow to their expertise, but in general I think they would
Todays gas, if nobody minds me saying it, smells like crap. Makes the
exhaust smell that way too.
Sure as hell not the gasoline of the 60's.
So, anyway your 60 probably didn't smell that way. When you went to the
pump, for your 28 cents a gallon you could get 115 octane gas with
tetraethyl lead, probably more lead than the engine ever needed. And it
smelled something like it does at the NASCAR track during a race.
There, and in aircraft is the closest thing to 60's gas. Of course the
AVGAS is low leaded 110 or 115.
In fact, if you dump 10 gallons of AVGAS into a Vair and take off down the
interstate, a well maintained 140 will just SCREAM!!!! 75 mph and not even
half way into the gas, in fact barely pushing down on the gas. All of the
engines ills will go away in a 20 mile drive, and a nice gray coating on the
inside of the tailpipe lets you know the lead is working.
This of course is patently illegal, so don't ask me how I know this to be a
There also is, at least in NC, "Blue Racing Gas". Costs around 4.50 a
gallon, is legal to put into a vehicle (at least in NC to my knowledge) that
wasn't originally equipped with a catalytic converter, and is 100 octane.
Cheap Gas in the 60's. Go gas up with blue and see how Alan feels after a
trip to the "Petrol Station".
I would be willing to bet the smell changes, and likely to one vaguely
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ewell Mills" <emills5@cfl.rr.com>
Subject: <VV> Bad smell
> I have two Corvairs and both of them have a really bad smell when I first
> start them (in garage with door open). It seems to be the exhaust, not a
> gasoline smell > _______________________________________________
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