<VV> Powerglide identification

Vanderlind, Patrick PVanderl@mwestmp.com
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 19:57:08 -0600

I have a PG and diffy off of an unknown late model that I am trying to
identify. The set was given to me by a friend who was not sure what it was
off. Curiosity has got me looking thru my books and for the life of me I can
not find the part number on the trans. I have a tech book written by Bob
Ballew which contains the part numbers to identify the trans. Any hints on
where the trans part number might be located? I found one number on the
valve body and can't seem to find this number in his book. What I am most
interrested in is finding out if this is a PG from a 140.
Pat Vanderlind
1962 Monza 900 cvt 102 PG
1965 Corsa 180 cpe

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