<VV> Re: Pinion Preload

vairologist@juno.com vairologist@juno.com
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 10:32:37 -0500

> Just though that I'd throw in my 2 cents.
> It has always concerned me that the Shop Manuals have you set the 
> pinion preload on top of the preload on the side bearings. To me one
> accurately set the pinion preload with the side bearings affecting it.
------------------big smit---------- 
>, Bob Helt
Smitty says:  never thought I'd see the day when I would challenge
anything Bob says but I gotta go on the soap box with this.  In the first
place the pinion preload is not set on top of the carrier preload.  It is
the other way around. The carrier bearings are in a free and unloaded
condition when Pinion is set.  Torsional resistance is so slight it could
not be measured with a tool.  Then the carrier bearing preload is added
to the pinion preload and finally the backlash is set while maintaining
the preload.
        To me it would be a lot of unnecessary building and unbuilding to
take the pinion back out.