<VV> 64 Sedan

Bill Hubbell Bill Hubbell" <whubbell@umich.edu
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 20:54:13 -0500

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <AeroNed@aol.com>

> Bill,
> I did notice that you drove it all of 3 miles. Actually, I'm surprised
> you made it that far.
> Ned

To tell the truth, we really don't know for sure what its wrong with it yet.
We only know for certain that #2 cylinder is dead - no compression.  The
best thought is a dropped seat, but it idles fine and runs OK on the
remaining 5 cylinders, so it might be just a blown head gasket.  I did drop
the valve cover and tried tapping the valves and readjusting them, but it
made no difference.  Anyway, once I decided the head had to come off anyway,
I made the decision to get a pair of 1966 heads refurbished to eliminate any
possibility of dropped seats in the future.  Besides, the 1966 heads will
allow me to install A/C on the vehicle later.  New heads should be returning
from Claypool's shop soon, and then the fun begins!

Bill Hubbell