<VV> Engine internal backpressure

Donald Manen donmanen@yahoo.com
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 08:47:43 -0800 (PST)

My request for opinions yesterday resulted in several
direct responses saying my problem was probably broken
rings---everyone was right-  the top compression ring
in #5 was broken -- hone marks remaining on the top
part of the cylinder tells me that I broke the ring
when I installed it initially- or it broke soon after
the rebuild.  I'm amazed that it still had 70 lbs
pressure and didn't miss.

Probably the reason the I hadn't noticed the
backpressure in the last two months is that the car
hasn't been over 35-50 MPH (parades, on & off the
trailer to distant shows)---Saturday, I was sorta
doing a little top end testing (knew where the County
cop and the DPS officer were having coffee) when the
problem surfaced (all over my engine compartment and
the truck behind me)--- The oil-soaked fanbelt jumped
and the harmonic balancer ate it--- so, carry spares,
tools, extra oil, and hand towels. --- I still made my
Corvair Club meeting, then had to endure the usual
"those things leak", "fogging machine", etc, from

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