<VV> Learned something...
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 10:47:43 -0500
I learned a 1+ hour lesson last night, that I want to share.
I'm almost ready to install my engine. (I'm actually getting excited about
it) I wanted to run the oil pump, to pump up the oil pressure, before I
attempted to start it. I thought I had a good idea on a tool to substitute
for a long screw driver end, or a disassembled distributor, which I had
neither off.
I took a wooden dowel, puchased from lowe's leftover from another project,
about 1/2" diameter, cut to length, and ground a slot at one end using the
bench grinder, made it look like the distributor tip. Put the drill motor
on slow (it's not variable, just two speed). Tested a few times, heard
some, glub, glub, as it drained everywhere, no leaks seen, etc.
Must have held the trigger just a bit long. I felt it get a little harder,
and was thinking, "that's a lot of pressure for the distributor to push"
when all of a sudden, whack, twist, and I release the trigger. <insert
expletive here> The wooden dowel completely twisted apart, just inside the
distributor hole, leaving all kinds of splinters everywhere. double <insert
expletive here>
I had to pull the harmonic balancer, and rear cover to get it all back out,
and lost the fresh oil, too. Waaaaah! Just further and further behind.
So, IF I ever use a wooden dowel again, it'll be OAK, and I'll go MUCH
slower, bump, bump, bump.
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