<VV> fitch wagon update

Jeff & Gayle Angelli gangelli@adelphia.net
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 18:56:12 -0500

well we started re assembly today ,tailights,front lights,and window glass
were put back in ,new window felts and fuzzies,and we put in my custom etched
rear hatch glass with new gasket ,it was not too difficult a job and looks
great . the door windows were a bit of a struggle to get all aligned and
seated but they work great and are brand new glass .i am very happy to have
had the glass shop rebuild the vent windows and make new front door
windows,cost for 2 new tempered windows and rebuilt vents with new glass,i
supplied the rebuild kits was 200$ .i will unfortunately have to place plastic
in the rear quarter holes as i wait for clarks to hopefully repro the gaskets
using my old ones as patterns,could be a long while.I may make sedan delivery
metal sides to fill the holes ,i would just hold them in with magnets . car is
filthy now and needs various touch ups . I will take it to my friends storage
barn till all the chrome comes back from the platers,then we will finish re
assembly. next big job new front windshield with new gasket ,and gluing in the
new dash pad. still have to decide on interior appointments but i have time .
regards jeff angelli