<VV> VV speaker location
Marc Sheridan
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 16:52:13 -0500
I put speakers in the front doors of my '66 Monza last winter. Once you take
the door panel off, you can see the only place they will fit, which is at
the lower front corner. You will probably have to trim the existing hole to
get a proper fit, I did on mine. The way I located where to cut the door
panel was to put wet paint around the edge of the opening in the door then I
pressed the door panel against it. A good sharp razor knife will cut the
door panel except for the stainless trim piece, which is pretty substantial.
While you have it apart, put some insulation in the door. I used some foil
covered bubble wrap that I found at Lowes. It makes a difference in the
sound quality.
As for running the wires, I just ran them out the drain hole in the bottom
of the door, zip tied them to the hinge and ran them behind the kick panel.
I know there is a better way to do it, but I haven't come across it yet and
it still works fine as is. Maybe someone else can help us both in that area.
Marc Sheridan
'66 Monza 'vert
From: "John Miller" <jncmiller@mchsi.com>
> I really hate to do it but my wife say she wants speakers mounted in the
> front doors of her LM coupe. She brought home a pair of 5 1/4 inch
> that require about 1 3/4 inches of unobstructed depth. Answers from anyone
> has done this?