<VV> Re: Seatbelts for Greenbrier center seat...ideas?
Bryan Blackwell
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 09:04:13 -0500
We have ours set up that way for 4 years now - most passengers like it
better since you end up with a nice area for conversing. The kids like
it for trips too, makes it much easier to spread out, we put the cooler
between the two seats. GM even made a little table to go there, so
you're quite correct that it's an "approved" configuration. We have
seatbelts for 9. Mike Mauro modified theirs to have shoulder belts in
the front too, it's a very clean installation.
On Thursday, March 11, 2004, at 12:50 AM, Dan & Synde wrote:
> Anyway, turning it around kind of solves the removable seatbelt
> problem.
> You could just tuck them under the front seat that way. Good idea!
> What is
> it like though to ride around in a Greenbrier facing backward? I would
> think it would not be something for those prone to motion sickness. GM
> apparently approved of it though because I've seen it that way in ads.