<VV> 65 ballast resistor
Wed, 10 Mar 2004 15:18:49 EST
In a message dated 3/10/2004 10:28:42 AM Eastern Standard Time,
66corsa@cox.net writes:
Can anyone tell me where the ballast resistor for a 65 corvair is?
I've never taken the time to locate it, but it is in the engine wiring
harness. Supposedly can easily be bypassed, but the one time I asked, I got cryptic
There is no "balast resistor block" in any corvair except the Spyder.
Rather they all had a resistor wire in the harness. That wire should be left on
the coil and a new wire run from the junction block at the firewall to the
Pertronics unit red wire. Look in the junction connector and you will see the
braided covered wire, that is where you want to connect your 12v source.
Hopefully this isn't "cryptic".
Ken Hand