<VV> Body Tag codes 1965

Jim Thomas b74eqcm@hotmail.com
Sun, 07 Mar 2004 14:03:45 -0500

Greetings all!

Since I have a 1965 Corvair, and the original bill of sale, I thought I 
would throw in my input on body tag numbers.

My invoice/bill of sale lists the following options:

110 Hp engine                   $ 26.90
Powerglide                        $156.60
Tinted Glass                       $ 26.90
Padded Dash                      $ 16.15
Belts with Retractors            $ 7.55
Comfort and Conv. Group     $ 28.00
Power Top                         $ 53.80
Pushbutton Radio                $  58.65
Positraction                         $  37.70

my VIN is  015675W187317

ID Tag info:

01D    (January 1965, 4th week)
ST65-10567   (1965 Chevrolet Corvair Monza Convertible)
WRN   (Willow Run, MI)
9750  (9750th Monza Convertible)
TR-713   (black trim and interior, bucket seats)
Y-2   (Crocus Yellow, Black Top)

ED2M3C4P5W  which means:

E - RP0 A01  tinted glass, soft ray, all windows
D - RPO C06 power top
M - powerglide transmission
C - RPO Z01 comfort and convenience group (two speed wipers, washers, 
day/night mirror, glove box lamp
P - padded dash
W - standard seat belts

other codes I know for sure:

Group 1
W - tinted windshield

Group 2
L - RPO M20 4 speed
E - RPO C60 air conditioning
P - RPO U63 pushbutton AM radio
R - RPO U80 rear speaker
S - RPO U73 rear antenna
T - RPO ?? power rear antenna

Group 4
O - RPO L87 Super high performance turbo engine
U - ??
F - RPO ?? outside remote control mirror

Group 5
Y - RPO A49 deluxe seat belts
L - RPO V30 bumper guards

We went through this on the list, I don't know, four or so years ago back 
when lclc was still here. This info is from what he compiled.

Jim Thomas
65 Monza Vert
63 Greenbrier
69 Buick Skylark

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