<VV> Boxer Motor
Dennis & Debbie Pleau
Sat, 06 Mar 2004 18:48:40 -0600
Any horizontally opposed motor is a boxer, so a Corvair would qualify.
At 08:12 PM 3/6/2004 -0500, Russell Moorhouse wrote:
>What constitutes a boxer motor? Is a Corvair motor considered a boxer
> I read an article, I believe British, on the Corvair quite a while back,
>where the writer referred to it as a boxer motor. If that is the case,
>after watching the last Barrett-Jackson auction, and seeing the inflated
>prices any car with a Hemi sold for, maybe we should call our motors boxer
>engines, rather than a Corvair motor, when we get ready to sell them. Boxer
>seems to be a hot term nowadays. I've even heard Subaru refer to their
>engines as being boxers.
>Russ Moorhouse
>'65 Corsa coupe 140 HP
>Group Corvair Member
>Kent Island, MD