<VV> One question and a want/need ad..

Kerry and Jan deaconone@teleweb.net
Sat, 06 Mar 2004 07:56:29 -0500


Hope everyone is doing well....

1) I need some opinions on the Dale Mfg. pressure/advance unit for Turbo 
cars. Does this actually improve performance??  Is it worth the 
investment?  (Hoping to improve the low end performance..)

2) Now for the want/need ad.  I need a replacement lense for the 
'bullet' type clock that mounts on the dash.  The one I have has cracks 
in it and costs points if you get my drift.. If anyone has one or knows 
where I can find one please email me. I have already tried some of the 
classic car clock rebuilders but have struck out so far...

